Works made over the last twenty years
I have been painting landscapes in South Wales, where I have lived since 1982, both in the parks of Cardiff and in the nearby Valleys. I painted these entirely on location through close, prolonged and searching observation, and a gradual, cumulative depiction. My painting routine is structured around particular states of light, which recur at certain times of the day and year, and I am fascinated by the ways in which light and shadow can spread across a surface, dissolving, concealing, revealing or emphasising its features. I use acrylic or watercolour on paper, building up the work slowly, delicately and gradually over a long period of time, often applying it in liquid form with small sticks, and building up the image by means of a great number of small coloured marks. These paintings celebrate my delight both in painting and being out of doors in all seasons, responding directly and closely to the changing states and moods of nature.
Acrylic on paper 54 x 38 cms £675
Watercolour, gouache 50 x 32 cms £575
Acrylic on paper 58 x 38 cms £675
Watercolour, gouache 53 x 37 cms £575
Watercolour 76 x 48 cms £675
Acrylic on paper 56 x 38 cms £475
Watercolour 28 x 20 cms £225
Watercolour, gouache 55 x 34 cms £325
Watercolour, gouache 56 x 35 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 55 x 65 cms £375
I began painting landscapes in Italy over 40 years ago, and I try to explore the encounter between the energies of space, growth and light, the changing configurations of colour and surface seen in landscape, working through close, prolonged and searching observation, and a gradual, cumulative depiction. These paintings, made in Garfagnana in Tuscany, are in acrylic or watercolour on paper, and were built up slowly, delicately and gradually over a long period of time. Light, (usually direct and changing sunlight) is a dominant element. I choose very particular states of light, which recur at certain times of the day, and I am fascinated by the ways in which light and shadow spread across a surface, dissolving, concealing, revealing or emphasizing its features.
Acrylic on paper 76 x 51 cms £375
Acrylic on paper 86 x 53 cms Not for sale
Acrylic on paper 73 x 57 cms Not for sale
Watercolour 53 x 38 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 76 x 51 cms Not for sale
Acrylic on paper 97 x 62 cms Not for sale
Acrylic on paper 95 x 64 cms Sold
Acrylic on Paper 61 x 30 cms £425
Watercolour 30 x 22.5 cms £225
Watercolour 30 x 22.5 cms £225
Acrylic on Paper 61 x 41 cms £275
Acrylic on Paper 58 x 36 cms £275
Watercolour, 71 x 51 cms £375
Acrylic on Paper 102 x 64 cms £425
In these works I explored the encounter between the energies of growth and light, and the changing configurations of colour and surface seen in the Autumn in Roath Park in Cardiff They were painted on location, using watercolour, gouache and acrylic on paper, and each work was built up slowly, delicately and gradually over long periods of time, by means of a large number of small coloured marks. These paintings celebrate a delight both in painting and in being out of doors, and responding directly and closely to the changing states and moods of nature.
Oil, acrylic on paper 56 x 39 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 58 x 40 cms sold
Acrylic on paper 56 x 39 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 56 x 38 cms sold
Acrylic on paper 56 x 40 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 56 x 35 cms £275
Acrylic, gouache, watercolour 40 x 39 cms £325
Acrylic, gouache, watercolour 45 x 40 cms £325
Acrylic, gouache, waterecolour on paper 50 x 34 cms £325
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache on paper 30 x 50 cms £375
These larger than life-size studies of ancient worn-out shoes and industrial workers’ boots, in oil on paper, portray the corpses of once working footwear–visually richer in death than in life-, the ghosts of people and times past, and the passing of an age of heavy industry and hard manual labour. The great beauty of very old worn leather and fragments of rusting metal, glowing in warm sunlight, evoke a lifetime of wear, toil and the individuals who once wore them, and perhaps recall the original meaning of nature mort.
Oil on paper 77 x 51 cms £375
Oil on paper 72 x 51 cms £375
Oil on paper 80 x 55 cms sold
Oil on paper 77 x 51 cms £375
Oil on paper 76 x 52 cms £375
Oil on paper 77 x 49 cms £375
Oil on paper 76 x 56 cms sold
Oil on paper 75 x 53 cms sold
These works portray sequences of bathers enjoying swimming in water and having fun together. I have invented ways of combining handcrafted techniques with images recorded in Italy on digital video, which allows tiny fragments of changing time to be combined together. The shallow bas relief surface gently breaks through the picture plane and enters the space of the viewer, to give an impression of figures who appear to swim within the surface of the work. These quirky, even dreamlike images celebrate the minute, inconsequential, but often surprising moments of everyday life. Repetition and small variations of movement and gesture appear as though frozen, isolated from the familiar flow of time and space, and enhanced by the incessant motion of the sea.
Digital print in bas relief on board 79 x 51 cms
Digital print in bas relief on board 81 x 56 cms
Digital print in. bas relief on board 81 x 38 cms
Digital Print in bas relief on board 81 x 52 cms
Digital print in bas relief on board 80 x 56 cms
Digital print in bas relief on board 82 x 51 cms
Digital print in bas relief on board 75 x 35 cms
Digital print in bas relief on board 73 x 28 cms
Digital print in bas relief on board 56 x 76 cms
Digital print in bas relief on board 56 x 82 cms
Here I cast found surfaces and imagery into shallow relief in acrylic, and add watercolour, coloured pencils and other media, often on a small scale. These were cast directly from the commonplace, unspectacular fragments of everyday life. These are combined and transformed by the application of colour and shown in fresh ways, and little noticed qualities of shape and surface are amplified. Thus this work is both abstract and representational, and grows from process, serendipity and the accidental encounter with things which turn up in everyday life, including fragments of clothing and small mechanical forms. I have a deep interest in how to explore and exploit the behaviour of familiar materials, media and processes in new ways, and a great curiosity about the things which I see and collect.
Mixed Media in bas relief 66 x 43 cms £675
Mixed Media in bas relief 24 x 24 cms £475
Mixed Media in bas relief 17 x 18 cms £325
Mixed Media in bas relief 60 x 40 cms £475
Mixed Media in bas relief 27 x 25 cms £375
Mixed Media in bas relief 24 x 25 cms £325
Mixed Media in bas relief 55 x 41 cms sold
Mixed Media in bas relief 22 x 19 cms £325
Mixed Media in bas relief 24 x 24 cms £375
Mixed Media in bas relief 47 x 24 cms sold
Mixed Media 23 x 25.5 cms £325
These paintings of pieces of fruit, in acrylic or watercolour on paper, were painted over many years from observation in direct sunlight, which enhances and transforms surface and detail. The simple minimal compositions highlight the variety and individuality of each piece of fruit, and nuances of surface, shape, volume, light and colour count considerably.
Acrylic on paper 38 x 43 cms £375
Acrylic on paper 41 x 45 cms £375
Acrylic on paper 65 x 41 cms Not for Sale
Acrylic on paper 58 x 32 cms Not for Sale
Acrylic on paper 35 x 26 cms £275
Watercolour 42 x 31 cms £325
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache on paper 36 x 35 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 35 x 35 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 38 x 38 cms sold
Acrylic on paper 46 x 37 cms £375