Works made in recent years
These studies of trees, in watercolour, gouache and acrylic on paper, have been painted on location in the parks of Roath and Penylan Cardiff. I explore the changing configurations of colour and surface seen in individual trees, working from close observation, and a gradual, cumulative depiction. I choose very particular states of morning or evening light. I am fascinated by the ways in which light and shadow can spread across a surface, dissolving, concealing, revealing or emphasizing its features.
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache on paper 47 x 38 cms £325
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache on paper 50 x 40 cms £325
Watercolour and Gouache 53 x 41 cms £325
Watercolour, gouache 53.5 x 36.5 cms sold
Acrylic on paper 47 x 37 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 38 x 53 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 34 x 54 cms £325
Gouache and Watercolour 51 x 41 cms £325
Gouache and Watercolour 51 x 37 cms £325
Gouache and Watercolour 50 x 37 cms £325
Gouache and watercolour 52 x 40 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 38.5 x 50 cms £325
Acrylic, gouache, watercolour on paper 37 x 53 cms £325
In these works, which were painted on location in the parks of Roath and Penylan in Cardiff, I try to explore the changing configurations of colour and surface seen in trees in blossom, working from close observation, and a gradual, cumulative depiction. The fast growing, fast changing blossoms in Spring, and direct and changing sunlight are the dominant elements, and I choose very particular states of morning or afternoon light. I am fascinated by the ways in which light and shadow can spread across a surface, dissolving, concealing, revealing or emphasizing its features. The paintings are in watercolour, gouache and acrylic on paper.
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 50 x 40 cms £375
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 48 x 43 cms £375
Watercolour, gouache, acrylic on paper 50 x 39 cms £375
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 46 x 40 cms £325
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 50 x 40 cms £325
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 40 x 35 cms £325
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 50 x 40 cms £325
Watercolour, gouache 52 x 38 cms £325
Watercolour, gouache 48 x 44 cms £275
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 47 x 34.5 cms £325
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 39 x 54 cms SOLD
These paintings of pieces of fruit, in acrylic, gouache and watercolour on paper, are painted from observation in direct sunlight, which enhances and transforms surface and detail. The simple minimal compositions highlight the variety and individuality of each piece of fruit, and nuances of surface, shape, volume, light and colour count considerably.
Acrylic, gouache, watercolour on paper 41 x 34 cms not for sale
Acrylic, gouache, watercolour on paper 36 x 36 cms not for sale
Acrylic, gouache, watercolour on paper 38x 41 cms £375
Acrylic, gouache, watercolour on paper 37 x 37 cms £375
Acrylic, watercolour, gouache 35 x 33 cms £325
Acrylic, gouache, watercolour on paper 48 x 36 cms £375
Watercolour, gouache 40 x 39 cms £325
Acrylic on paper 49 x 39 cms £325
Here I cast found surfaces and imagery into shallow relief in acrylic, and add oil, watercolour, coloured pencils and other media, often on a small scale. These were cast directly from the commonplace, unspectacular fragments of everyday life. These are combined and transformed by the application of colour and shown in fresh ways, and little noticed qualities of shape and surface are amplified. Thus this work is both abstract and representational, and grows from process, serendipity and the accidental encounter with things which turn up in everyday life, including fragments of clothing and small mechanical forms. I have a deep interest in how to explore and exploit the behaviour of familiar materials, media and processes in new ways, and a great curiosity about the things which I see and collect.
Mixed Media 16 x 15.5 cms sold
Mixed Media 15 x 19.5 cms £250
Mixed Media in bas relief 19.5 x 18 cms £250
Mixed Media 24 x 19 cms £275
Mixed Media 21 x 24 cms £275
Mixed Media in bas relief 42 x 34 cms £275
Mixed Media 11 x 15 cms £225
Mixed Media 13.5 x 13.5 cms £225
Mixed Media 20 x 22 cms £225